Design Tool: omg-img. When Adding Icon Is a Piece of Cake
Design Tool: omg-img. When Adding Icon Is a Piece of Cake The issue of D4U Review introducing a service omg-img enabling users to embed icons they need right into the HTML for web pages.
There are so many things happening in the design community worldwide that sometimes it’s easy to get lost in the waterfall of new tools, plugins, updates, trends, and services. That is why here in Design4Users, we will prepare D4U reviews – brief introductions which may be useful and helpful for our readers. Let’s get started!
Today D4U Review issue introduces a new service by the Icons8 team called omg-img. Its main goal is to make embedding vector icons in HTML super simple, and it uses a huge collection of icons which is continuously growing and at the moment presents about 50K items available. Users do not even need to insert a Javascript code. This was done with support from a production-scale CDN service provided by KeyCDN.
Users can select icons from more than 10 different styles, specify the size of the icon (up to 512px), and even recolor it. Each style has the size it’s designed for, in other words, pixel-perfect size:
iOS: 50×50
Windows 8: 26×26
Windows 10: 32×32
Android 4: 24×24
Android 5: 24×24
Color: 48×48
Office: 16×16, 30×30, 40×40, 80×80
The team keeps developing and testing the service: a couple of useful features are already being prepared for the next release:
– ability to specify the size as 2x, 3x, etc. instead of in pixels in order to keep correct proportions from the pixel-perfect size for each platform
– adding icon effects like background and a horizontal flip (direction).
Full product description and all the links can be found here. At the moment, all the mentioned functionality is available for icons in png format. The same performance is coming soon for svg and will be open for all the users who have an Icons8 license.
By Icons8, the team behind the great collection of icons for different purposes
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